"Sanjibani Express” to Provide Transport Service for Dialysis Patients from Remote Areas in Balasore, Odisha

In a commendable initiative, the Balasore district administration in Odisha has introduced the ‘Sanjibani Express,’ a unique transport service catering specifically to dialysis patients. With the aim of extending support to patients residing in remote areas, the service was officially inaugurated by the Balasore Collector. Recognizing the challenges faced by dialysis patients, particularly those from areas like Bhograi, Oupada, Baliapal, and Simulia, where accessibility is limited, the administration took action. During a grievance session, it was revealed that many patients were unable to continue their treatment due to financial constraints associated with travel and food expenses. Approximately 300 patients undergo dialysis every week, with most requiring the procedure twice a week. To address this pressing issue, the health team meticulously devised a schedule and route chart to maximize the reach and benefit of patients.

The Sanjibani Express will make stops at central points, where patients will be conveniently picked up and dropped off. Each patient is allowed one attendant, and light snacks will be provided during the journey. Funding for this noble endeavor will be facilitated through the ZSS and Red Cross funds, with resources from innovation in the health sector being allocated accordingly. The estimated monthly expenditure for the service amounts to approximately Rs 1.3 lakh. The administration has designed two routes to be covered each day, ensuring that a maximum number of people can avail themselves of the facility. The introduction of the Sanjibani Express has received widespread praise from the people of Balasore district.

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In a commendable initiative, the Balasore district administration in Odisha has introduced the ‘Sanjibani Express,’ a unique transport service catering specifically to dialysis patients. With the aim of extending support to patients residing in remote areas, the service was officially inaugurated by the Balasore Collector. Recognizing the challenges faced by dialysis patients, particularly those from areas like Bhograi, Oupada, Baliapal, and Simulia, where accessibility is limited, the administration took action. During a grievance session, it was revealed that many patients were unable to continue their treatment due to financial constraints associated with travel and food expenses. Approximately 300 patients undergo dialysis every week, with most requiring the procedure twice a week. To address this pressing issue, the health team meticulously devised a schedule and route chart to maximize the reach and benefit of patients.

The Sanjibani Express will make stops at central points, where patients will be conveniently picked up and dropped off. Each patient is allowed one attendant, and light snacks will be provided during the journey. Funding for this noble endeavor will be facilitated through the ZSS and Red Cross funds, with resources from innovation in the health sector being allocated accordingly. The estimated monthly expenditure for the service amounts to approximately Rs 1.3 lakh. The administration has designed two routes to be covered each day, ensuring that a maximum number of people can avail themselves of the facility. The introduction of the Sanjibani Express has received widespread praise from the people of Balasore district.

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