Brass & Bell Metal Wares

After handicrafts made of Odisha golden grass, Odisha State Cooperative Handicrafts Corporation Ltd (UTKALIKA) has moved GI Registry in Chennai seeking geographical indication (GI) tag for brass and bell metal wares.

Bell metal, known as ‘Kansa’, is a form of bronze with lower content of copper. It has been traditionally used for making bell, bowls and plates. Brass, which is known as ‘pitala’, is a substitutional alloy of copper and zinc and is used for making different items such as water containers and plates used for worshipping purposes, ‘singhasana’ and idols.

Brass and bell metal craft is practised by Kansari artisans. In the villages, these are extensively used for eating and cooking, which according to Ayurveda balances the body’s pH level. As tradition has it, a bride is also presented with items of brass and bell metal as per the status of the family.

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After handicrafts made of Odisha golden grass, Odisha State Cooperative Handicrafts Corporation Ltd (UTKALIKA) has moved GI Registry in Chennai seeking geographical indication (GI) tag for brass and bell metal wares.

Bell metal, known as ‘Kansa’, is a form of bronze with lower content of copper. It has been traditionally used for making bell, bowls and plates. Brass, which is known as ‘pitala’, is a substitutional alloy of copper and zinc and is used for making different items such as water containers and plates used for worshipping purposes, ‘singhasana’ and idols.

Brass and bell metal craft is practised by Kansari artisans. In the villages, these are extensively used for eating and cooking, which according to Ayurveda balances the body’s pH level. As tradition has it, a bride is also presented with items of brass and bell metal as per the status of the family.

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