In a heartwarming tale of resilience and compassion, a young teacher from Odisha’s Bargarh district, Dibas Kumar Sahu, has played a pivotal role in his student’s battle against cancer and academic success. Soubhagya Patel, a bright student of Panchayat High School at Amthi, was diagnosed with knee cancer last year, leaving her future uncertain due to her family’s financial constraints. Undeterred by the challenges, Dibas Kumar Sahu stepped forward, providing unwavering support to Soubhagya. He arranged her treatment at a private hospital in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, and mobilized funds through various sources for their eight-month stay during the treatment. Soubhagya underwent a successful surgery, with the state government’s Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana covering the expenses, along with the generous contribution of Rs 4 lakh from the Indian Cancer Society for artificial limbs.
Despite her ongoing treatment, Soubhagya displayed remarkable determination and appeared for the Matriculation examination under Dibas’ guidance. Overcoming numerous difficulties, she achieved excellent results, earning well-deserved recognition for her perseverance. The selfless efforts of Dibas Kumar Sahu have also garnered immense praise from the community, who admire his dedication and empathy. Expressing her gratitude, Soubhagya acknowledged ‘Dibas Sir’ for being a guiding light throughout her challenging journey and providing her with a new lease on life. As their inspiring story continues to inspire others, Dibas remains humble, acknowledging the support and encouragement from the government, the Indian Cancer Society, and well-wishers.
In a heartwarming tale of resilience and compassion, a young teacher from Odisha’s Bargarh district, Dibas Kumar Sahu, has played a pivotal role in his student’s battle against cancer and academic success. Soubhagya Patel, a bright student of Panchayat High School at Amthi, was diagnosed with knee cancer last year, leaving her future uncertain due to her family’s financial constraints. Undeterred by the challenges, Dibas Kumar Sahu stepped forward, providing unwavering support to Soubhagya. He arranged her treatment at a private hospital in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, and mobilized funds through various sources for their eight-month stay during the treatment. Soubhagya underwent a successful surgery, with the state government’s Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana covering the expenses, along with the generous contribution of Rs 4 lakh from the Indian Cancer Society for artificial limbs.
Despite her ongoing treatment, Soubhagya displayed remarkable determination and appeared for the Matriculation examination under Dibas’ guidance. Overcoming numerous difficulties, she achieved excellent results, earning well-deserved recognition for her perseverance. The selfless efforts of Dibas Kumar Sahu have also garnered immense praise from the community, who admire his dedication and empathy. Expressing her gratitude, Soubhagya acknowledged ‘Dibas Sir’ for being a guiding light throughout her challenging journey and providing her with a new lease on life. As their inspiring story continues to inspire others, Dibas remains humble, acknowledging the support and encouragement from the government, the Indian Cancer Society, and well-wishers.