Odia feature film ‘Adieu GODARD’, directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Amartya Bhattacharyya, is all set to hit theatres in New Delhi Today. People in the national capital will be able to watch the movie at PVR Promenade in DLF Promenade Mall in Vasant Kunj. The movie tickets can be booked at Rs 75 only as the day is being celebrated as National Cinema Day on September 23. Even people of Kolkata can too watch this film today.
Odia feature film ‘Adieu GODARD’, directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Amartya Bhattacharyya, is all set to hit theatres in New Delhi Today. People in the national capital will be able to watch the movie at PVR Promenade in DLF Promenade Mall in Vasant Kunj. The movie tickets can be booked at Rs 75 only as the day is being celebrated as National Cinema Day on September 23. Even people of Kolkata can too watch this film today.