Odisha Chief Minister inaugurated Birsa Munda International Hockey Stadium at Rourkela city in Odisha’s Sundargarh on Thursday. The newly-built Birsa Munda International Hockey Stadium in Rourkela is the second venue for FIH Men’s Hockey World Cup 2023 Bhubaneswar-Rourkela slated for January 13-29. Rourkela will host 20 of the 44 matches while the remaining 24 matches, including the final, will be played at Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar. India’s first match against Spain on January 13 will be played here. Two days later, India will be up against England at the same venue. The Chief Minister also unveiled a book titled ‘Odisha Re Hockey’ (Hockey In Odisha) which has been published by School and Mass Education Department. The book is about the history of Hockey in Sundargarh and the role of Odisha in promoting the national sport of India.
Odisha Chief Minister inaugurated Birsa Munda International Hockey Stadium at Rourkela city in Odisha’s Sundargarh on Thursday. The newly-built Birsa Munda International Hockey Stadium in Rourkela is the second venue for FIH Men’s Hockey World Cup 2023 Bhubaneswar-Rourkela slated for January 13-29. Rourkela will host 20 of the 44 matches while the remaining 24 matches, including the final, will be played at Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneswar. India’s first match against Spain on January 13 will be played here. Two days later, India will be up against England at the same venue. The Chief Minister also unveiled a book titled ‘Odisha Re Hockey’ (Hockey In Odisha) which has been published by School and Mass Education Department. The book is about the history of Hockey in Sundargarh and the role of Odisha in promoting the national sport of India.