Pitambar Khilar, a dedicated teacher in Odisha’s Balasore district, has been recognized by the World Book of Records in London for his exceptional efforts in promoting education and serving humanity. Working at Khetramohan High School in Bahanaga, Khilar authored a 280-page article in August this year, addressing the challenges within the Indian education system and offering solutions to overcome them. His dedication didn’t stop there, as he also created a documentary film based on his paper, which significantly impressed the World Book of Records. To honor his outstanding contributions, Pitambar Khilar was invited to a felicitation event in New Delhi on October 29. This event witnessed the presence of educational leaders and decision-makers from approximately 15 countries, and certificates of excellence were presented to individuals recognized for their remarkable efforts in promoting education.
Additionally, Khilar was invited to participate in a world conference organized by the World Book of Records in London. He was the sole representative from India at this conference, which brought together representatives from 45 countries across seven continents. Khilar’s commitment to education was further acknowledged when he received the India Excellence award from the Prime Time Research Media, and he was also honored by UNESCO for his research aimed at providing quality education to tribal students. Pitambar Khilar’s mission has always been to combat superstition within society and uplift marginalized communities by imparting proper education. His dedication and contributions have earned him well-deserved recognition and awards on both national and international platforms.
Pitambar Khilar, a dedicated teacher in Odisha’s Balasore district, has been recognized by the World Book of Records in London for his exceptional efforts in promoting education and serving humanity. Working at Khetramohan High School in Bahanaga, Khilar authored a 280-page article in August this year, addressing the challenges within the Indian education system and offering solutions to overcome them. His dedication didn’t stop there, as he also created a documentary film based on his paper, which significantly impressed the World Book of Records. To honor his outstanding contributions, Pitambar Khilar was invited to a felicitation event in New Delhi on October 29. This event witnessed the presence of educational leaders and decision-makers from approximately 15 countries, and certificates of excellence were presented to individuals recognized for their remarkable efforts in promoting education.
Additionally, Khilar was invited to participate in a world conference organized by the World Book of Records in London. He was the sole representative from India at this conference, which brought together representatives from 45 countries across seven continents. Khilar’s commitment to education was further acknowledged when he received the India Excellence award from the Prime Time Research Media, and he was also honored by UNESCO for his research aimed at providing quality education to tribal students. Pitambar Khilar’s mission has always been to combat superstition within society and uplift marginalized communities by imparting proper education. His dedication and contributions have earned him well-deserved recognition and awards on both national and international platforms.