The documentary ‘Mahanadi,’ hailing from Odisha, took the spotlight as the opening film at the 4th ‘Nadi Utsav’ hosted by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in New Delhi. IGNCA, an institution dedicated to art and culture under the Ministry of Culture, has been organizing the ‘Nadi Utsav’ on a grand scale for several years. Filmmakers from across India submitted their films for the Documentary Film Festival, with 12 chosen for screening. “Mahanadi – the River in the Eye of a Poet” was selected as the opening film for this three-day river festival held in the national capital. Following the screening, a discussion session featured the film’s director Jubanashwa Mishra, producer Ashok Kumar Panda, and literary researcher Aswini Kumar Mishra.
The documentary ‘Mahanadi,’ hailing from Odisha, took the spotlight as the opening film at the 4th ‘Nadi Utsav’ hosted by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in New Delhi. IGNCA, an institution dedicated to art and culture under the Ministry of Culture, has been organizing the ‘Nadi Utsav’ on a grand scale for several years. Filmmakers from across India submitted their films for the Documentary Film Festival, with 12 chosen for screening. “Mahanadi – the River in the Eye of a Poet” was selected as the opening film for this three-day river festival held in the national capital. Following the screening, a discussion session featured the film’s director Jubanashwa Mishra, producer Ashok Kumar Panda, and literary researcher Aswini Kumar Mishra.