The upcoming Odia feature film, “Whispers of a Storm,” is set to have its world premiere at the 25th UK Asian Film Festival in 2023. The film takes place in the aftermath of the devastating Cyclone Fani, which left many coastal villages in Odisha in ruins. The story follows several characters, including a photographer who seeks personal gain from the disaster, a villager trying to salvage memories from his shattered home, a young man who encourages people to laugh in the face of tragedy, and a grieving mother who finds solace in nature. The film is directed by Amartya Bhattacharyya and produced by Swastik Choudhury, with lead roles played by Dipanwit Dashmohapatra, Swastik Choudhury, Priyanka Ghosh Roy, and Radha Krushna. The music is scored by Kisaloy Roy, and the sound design is by Sujoy Das. The film explores themes of greed, suffering, and finding solace in nature and promises to be a thought-provoking watch.
The upcoming Odia feature film, “Whispers of a Storm,” is set to have its world premiere at the 25th UK Asian Film Festival in 2023. The film takes place in the aftermath of the devastating Cyclone Fani, which left many coastal villages in Odisha in ruins. The story follows several characters, including a photographer who seeks personal gain from the disaster, a villager trying to salvage memories from his shattered home, a young man who encourages people to laugh in the face of tragedy, and a grieving mother who finds solace in nature. The film is directed by Amartya Bhattacharyya and produced by Swastik Choudhury, with lead roles played by Dipanwit Dashmohapatra, Swastik Choudhury, Priyanka Ghosh Roy, and Radha Krushna. The music is scored by Kisaloy Roy, and the sound design is by Sujoy Das. The film explores themes of greed, suffering, and finding solace in nature and promises to be a thought-provoking watch.