The Union Education Minister, Dharmendra Pradhan, has asked the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) to think about creating a full-fledged ‘Sustainable Energy Department’ to make the institute a leading lighthouse in the energy transition.
Speaking at the 20th convocation ceremony of in Mangaluru taluk on Saturday, he said sustainability has always been a core component of Indian culture.
Referring to the NITK’s initiative to convert bio-waste into biogas, he said the institute contributes to the nation’s effort to promote a circular economy. He expressed happiness over NITK’s efforts to foster research and skill development in the waste recycling value chain.
He also congratulated the initiatives of NITK in promoting green mobility and making the campus carbon-neutral.
He said initiatives like these are a must at the universities for driving towards green transition. He suggested that NITK create a ‘Sustainable Energy Department’ to make the institute a leading lighthouse in the energy transition.
The Union Education Minister, Dharmendra Pradhan, has asked the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) to think about creating a full-fledged ‘Sustainable Energy Department’ to make the institute a leading lighthouse in the energy transition.
Speaking at the 20th convocation ceremony of in Mangaluru taluk on Saturday, he said sustainability has always been a core component of Indian culture.
Referring to the NITK’s initiative to convert bio-waste into biogas, he said the institute contributes to the nation’s effort to promote a circular economy. He expressed happiness over NITK’s efforts to foster research and skill development in the waste recycling value chain.
He also congratulated the initiatives of NITK in promoting green mobility and making the campus carbon-neutral.
He said initiatives like these are a must at the universities for driving towards green transition. He suggested that NITK create a ‘Sustainable Energy Department’ to make the institute a leading lighthouse in the energy transition.