In a significant development for sports promotion in Odisha, India’s inaugural AIFF-FIFA Talent Academy, dedicated to nurturing football talents, is set to open its doors in Bhubaneswar. The academy, initiated under the Talent Development Scheme of FIFA, will be inaugurated on November 21 by Arsene Wenger, Chief of Global Football Development at FIFA. Kalyan Chaubey, President of the All India Football Federation (AIFF), announced Wenger’s visit, stating, “Arsene Wenger will visit India from November 19 to 23. During this period, he will inaugurate the Talent Academy and meet ISL, I-League clubs, and all those involved with youth development in Indian football.”
AIFF Acting Secretary General Satyanarayan M expressed the significance of this initiative, saying, “This is a giant step towards our long-term vision, and investing in youth as young as below 14 is perhaps the greatest start. We will start working on similar endeavors in other parts of the country to ensure talent does not get overlooked.” FIFA has recommended Sergi Amezcua Fontrodona as the FIFA-trained coach who will spearhead the project and serve as the head coach at the FIFA-AIFF Academy. This move marks a significant stride in India’s football development, emphasizing the importance of investing in youth talent for sustained growth in the sport.
In a significant development for sports promotion in Odisha, India’s inaugural AIFF-FIFA Talent Academy, dedicated to nurturing football talents, is set to open its doors in Bhubaneswar. The academy, initiated under the Talent Development Scheme of FIFA, will be inaugurated on November 21 by Arsene Wenger, Chief of Global Football Development at FIFA. Kalyan Chaubey, President of the All India Football Federation (AIFF), announced Wenger’s visit, stating, “Arsene Wenger will visit India from November 19 to 23. During this period, he will inaugurate the Talent Academy and meet ISL, I-League clubs, and all those involved with youth development in Indian football.”
AIFF Acting Secretary General Satyanarayan M expressed the significance of this initiative, saying, “This is a giant step towards our long-term vision, and investing in youth as young as below 14 is perhaps the greatest start. We will start working on similar endeavors in other parts of the country to ensure talent does not get overlooked.” FIFA has recommended Sergi Amezcua Fontrodona as the FIFA-trained coach who will spearhead the project and serve as the head coach at the FIFA-AIFF Academy. This move marks a significant stride in India’s football development, emphasizing the importance of investing in youth talent for sustained growth in the sport.