India’s shooting contingent continues to shine at the 2024 Paris Olympics with Swapnil Kusale clinching the nation’s third medal in the Men’s 50M Rifle 3 Positions event on Thursday. Kusale, who works as a railway ticket collector, secured the bronze with an impressive score of 451.4.
Competing in the eight-shooter final, Kusale initially found himself in sixth place but showcased remarkable skill and determination to climb up the ranks and secure a podium finish. His final score of 451.4 highlights his precision and composure under pressure.
This medal adds to India’s tally in shooting, marking the third shooting medal for the country in the Paris Olympics. Kusale’s achievement is particularly notable given the long wait for a 50m rifle shooter to make it to the Olympic finals since Joydeep Karmakar’s near-podium finish at the 2012 London Olympics in the now-discontinued 50m rifle prone event.
Swapnil Kusale, 29, hails from Kambalwadi village near Kolhapur in Maharashtra. Despite competing in international events since 2012, Kusale had to wait 12 years to make his Olympic debut at the Paris Games, making his bronze medal win a momentous occasion both for him and Indian sports.
India’s shooting contingent continues to shine at the 2024 Paris Olympics with Swapnil Kusale clinching the nation’s third medal in the Men’s 50M Rifle 3 Positions event on Thursday. Kusale, who works as a railway ticket collector, secured the bronze with an impressive score of 451.4.
Competing in the eight-shooter final, Kusale initially found himself in sixth place but showcased remarkable skill and determination to climb up the ranks and secure a podium finish. His final score of 451.4 highlights his precision and composure under pressure.
This medal adds to India’s tally in shooting, marking the third shooting medal for the country in the Paris Olympics. Kusale’s achievement is particularly notable given the long wait for a 50m rifle shooter to make it to the Olympic finals since Joydeep Karmakar’s near-podium finish at the 2012 London Olympics in the now-discontinued 50m rifle prone event.
Swapnil Kusale, 29, hails from Kambalwadi village near Kolhapur in Maharashtra. Despite competing in international events since 2012, Kusale had to wait 12 years to make his Olympic debut at the Paris Games, making his bronze medal win a momentous occasion both for him and Indian sports.