Cuttack School Duo, Ritika Priyadarshini, and Satchidananda Behera, emerged as state champions in the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) All India Quiz on Financial Literacy, 2023, conducted for students from classes VIII to X of government and municipal schools in Odisha. The block-level winners advanced to the district level, and finally, Ritika and Satchidananda secured victory in the state-level quiz held at Jayadev Bhavan on July 18. The team, mentored by Sai Krishana Parida, will now compete in the zonal level quiz. RBI conducted the quiz events with the support of Odisha government’s School & Mass Education Department, OSEPA, DEOs, LDMs, and other stakeholders, aiming to promote financial education and awareness among school children. The quiz is part of Financial Literacy Week (FLW), which aligns with the National Strategy for Financial Education: 2020-2025, focusing on building financial resilience and well-being for the public.
Cuttack School Duo, Ritika Priyadarshini, and Satchidananda Behera, emerged as state champions in the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) All India Quiz on Financial Literacy, 2023, conducted for students from classes VIII to X of government and municipal schools in Odisha. The block-level winners advanced to the district level, and finally, Ritika and Satchidananda secured victory in the state-level quiz held at Jayadev Bhavan on July 18. The team, mentored by Sai Krishana Parida, will now compete in the zonal level quiz. RBI conducted the quiz events with the support of Odisha government’s School & Mass Education Department, OSEPA, DEOs, LDMs, and other stakeholders, aiming to promote financial education and awareness among school children. The quiz is part of Financial Literacy Week (FLW), which aligns with the National Strategy for Financial Education: 2020-2025, focusing on building financial resilience and well-being for the public.