Odisha girls bagged gold medals on successive days in the Khelo India National Ranking Women’s Weightlifting tournament (3rd Phase) in Patna. On Monday, Mina Santa topped the 55 kg category competition at Patliputra Sports Complex. The Odisha Weightlifting HPC trainee lifted a total 131 kg (snatch 59 kg/clean & Jerk 72 kg) to grab gold. A day earlier, another Mina (Singh) won the 45 kg category event. A product of Bhubaneswar Sports Hostel, Mina Singh lifted an aggregate of 126 kg to claim top honour.
Odisha girls bagged gold medals on successive days in the Khelo India National Ranking Women’s Weightlifting tournament (3rd Phase) in Patna. On Monday, Mina Santa topped the 55 kg category competition at Patliputra Sports Complex. The Odisha Weightlifting HPC trainee lifted a total 131 kg (snatch 59 kg/clean & Jerk 72 kg) to grab gold. A day earlier, another Mina (Singh) won the 45 kg category event. A product of Bhubaneswar Sports Hostel, Mina Singh lifted an aggregate of 126 kg to claim top honour.